Interactive Event (Demos)


The ACII 2011 Interactive Event Session serves as a forum for researchers and practitioners to showcase recent advances in affective computing applications. The goal for the demonstrations is to illustrate the range of applications and technical advances in the state of the art of affective computing, in particular (but not only) regarding the main conference topics. The demos will showcase both mature systems and innovative prototypes and the presenters will have the opportunity to discuss their systems with the broader international scientific community and the public at large. Two-page Interactive Event papers will be published in the the Conference Proceedings. Papers are due July 7, 2011.

Submission Instructions

Demos of research prototype and commercial products in the area of affective computing are welcome. They should be accompanied by reasonably detailed technical explanations of the methods used. Demos will be selected based on a number of factors including scientific contribution, originality and innovation, social impact, and potential for widespread use and acceptance.

Please note that authors are required to show live demos of their systems. Other formats of demonstration such as video clips or slide shows may be accepted in exceptional cases only.

Please see this link for proposal preparation templates. Please submit your proposal using the Easy Chair system accessible here. Be sure to indicate that your are submitting to the Interactive Event session.

Your initial submission should include one document with three sub-sections describe below.
  • A two-page paper for inclusion in the ACII 2011 proceedings. The document should include (a) a brief description of the system and the problem it attempts to address, (b) a summary of the technical content of the system, (c) results of a formal evaluation (if applicable), and (d) links to supporting websites, etc.
  •  A link to a web-viewable presentation (website, power-point presentation, video, etc) illustrating the system along with accompanying text. The presentation should explain the purpose of the system and provide a summary (text or audio) of what is being presented.
  • A detailed description of the technical set-up and requirements. By default, the conference will provide a table and two chairs for each demo. Special requirements regarding the hardware and software, used modalities, space, ambience (illumination, noise sensitivity, etc.), and infrastructure (such as power supplies, network access, etc) need to be explicitly mentioned in the submission. We will attempt to provide necessary equipment and infrastructure, but demonstrators will be required to provide their own computers and special-purpose equipment. Note that content in this section does not count towards the two page limit.

Important Dates

  • Interactive Events Proposal Submission: July 7, 2011
  • Interactive Events Notification: July 15, 2011
  • Camera-Ready Version Submissions: July 21, 2011

Organizing Committee

  • Rafael Calvo, University of Sydney, Australia []
  • Sidney D'Mello, University of Memphis, USA []
  • Tanner Jackson, University of Memphis, USA []


If you have any questions regarding submissions, please email the three co-chairs above.

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